Data Handling Requirements

Last Updated: Jun 6 2024

欢迎与Xiaoleng Culture Promotion合作!为确保合作过程中的信息安全与数据保护,我们特制定以下数据处理要求。本要求适用于所有与Xiaoleng Culture Promotion有合作的个人及商业伙伴
Welcome to collaborate with Xiaoleng Culture Promotion! To ensure information security and data protection during our cooperation, we have established the following Data Handling Requirements. These apply to all individuals and business partners collaborating with Xiaoleng Culture Promotion.

1- 数据保密性 Data Confidentiality

  1. 保密数据:合作过程中产生或交换的所有信息(包括技术资料、商业策略、客户信息等)都应被视为保密信息。未经明确书面同意,任何保密信息均不得向第三方披露
    Confidential Data: All information produced or exchanged during the collaboration, including technical data, business strategies, and customer information, shall be treated as confidential. Without explicit written consent, no confidential information may be disclosed to third parties.
  2. 信息使用:所有保密信息仅限于双方合作的目的,不得用于任何其他非授权的商业活动
    Usage of Information: All confidential information is limited to the purpose of the collaboration and must not be used for any other unauthorized commercial activities.
  3. 安全保护措施:合作双方均需采取合理的安全措施,保护对方的保密信息不被未经授权的访问、使用或泄露
    Security Measures: Both parties must take reasonable security measures to protect each other's confidential information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.
2- 数据公开时间点 Data Publicity Timing
  1. 公开限制:任何与合作有关的数据或信息,在双方事先约定的公开时间点之前,不得对外公开。这包括但不限于新闻稿、营销材料和其他公共通信
    Publicity Restrictions: Any data or information related to the collaboration shall not be made public before a mutually agreed-upon time. This includes, but is not limited to, press releases, marketing materials, and other public communications
  2. 预先通知:如需在约定时间之前公开任何信息,必须提前书面通知对方,并获得书面同意
    Advance Notice: If there is a need to disclose any information before the agreed time, the other party must be notified in writing in advance and written consent must be obtained
3- 合规与监管 Compliance and Monitoring
  1. 法律遵守:双方均应遵守适用的法律法规,并保证所有数据处理活动均符合相关的数据保护法规
    Legal Compliance: Both parties shall comply with applicable laws and regulations and ensure that all data processing activities conform to relevant data protection laws.
  2. 违约处理:如一方未能遵守以上要求,另一方有权要求纠正违约行为,并可能要求赔偿因违约导致的损失
    Breach Handling: If one party fails to comply with the requirements above, the other party has the right to demand rectification of the breach and may seek compensation for any damages caused by the breach.
4- 条款的修订 Amendments to Terms
  1. Xiaoleng Culture Promotion保留随时修改这些数据处理要求的权利,任何变更将在本网站上发布并注明生效日期
    Xiaoleng Culture Promotion reserves the right to modify these Data Handling Requirements at any time. Any changes will be posted on our website with the effective date indicated.
With these stringent Data Handling Requirements, we aim to create a secure and transparent collaborative environment, protecting the interests of both parties. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Xiaoleng Culture Promotion保留对此数据处理要求进行最终解释的权利
Xiaoleng Culture Promotion reserves the right to the final interpretation of these Data Handling Requirements

If you have other questions, please contact support